
Tag Archives | lauren conrad collection


Lauren Clears Up Clothing Line Hiatus.

Lauren Conrad has taken to her Myspace blog to clear up any rumors that may spawn from the announcement of a hiatus of her Lauren Conrad Collection. It was annnounced this week that they would take a couple seasons off to re-design things, which lead to rumors that it was all over because of sales […]

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Lauren Conrad Presses Pause on Collection.

Is this the end of it all for LC?  First, she declares this will be the last season of her run on The Hills, and now, she’s temporarily throwing in the towel on her clothing line, The Lauren Conrad Collection. LC’s people are trying to deny that the stoppage is due to low sales as […]

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Lauren Wants You.

Lauren Conrad is running out of ideas for the name of the pieces in her fashion collection, and wants your help! The Hills star posted on her Myspace blog recently asking for help with names. So, it’s that time again…. I’ve just finished designing my Fall 2009 collection. Now, as I do with every collection, […]

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LC Releases Her Fall Collection

Lauren Conrad has just made her Fall collection avalible online in time for New York Fashion Week.  The Lauren Conrad Collection now features 25 pieces and are avaliable for purchase if your willing to spend a pretty penny!  Check out some pieces from the collection below.

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More acquisitions.

The latest claim that Lauren Conrad is living a fake life, is that she actually doesn’t have anything to do with designing her own clothing line, and that she is just the face of the brand, only there for promotions.

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