
Tag Archives | mark wahlberg photos

Marky Mark Finds a Stray.

No, It’s not his kid following Mark Wahlberg around,  it’s just a stray!!! Kidding, the childs parents were close behind when their sun ran up to the actor while walking aound Hollywood chatting on his phone.   It’s not strange to see a playful baby run up to a stranger because they don’t know any better, […]

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Kodak Moments.

Mark Wahlberg took his adorably cute daughter to soccer practice this past weekend and it was a day where all the dads had to participate. The coach had Mark and the other dads running laps, and goofing around with the kids. Marky Mark’s long time girlfriend, Rhea Durham, stayed home after just giving birth to […]

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Marky Mark and the Soccer Team.

Mark Wahlberg and his very pregnant girlfriend Rhea Durham took their daughter Ella Rae to soccer practice in Brentwood this past weekend. Check out more photos after the jump. Mark joined in on some of the fun and played with the kids, even giving Ella a hug when she hurt herself. Such a bad ass […]

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Mark Wahlberg: From Badass to Baker.

What’s Mark Wahlberg doing baking cupcakes in LA’s hottest new bakery? Shopping, unfortunately. Though it would have been awesome to see this bad ass boston actor swirling pink frosting onto little mini cakes, he was just taking his nephew on a little afternoon shopping trip.

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