
Tag Archives | Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson, The Remix

Mel Gibson’s racist rant is the new Christian Bale rant, and just like Bale’s, remixes have started popping up on the internet. Check out this hilarious one below. Can’t wait for them to tie it into Family Guy!

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Mickey Rourke: “Screw the B*tch”

At least one person is defending Mel Gibson in his whole N-bomb dropping tirade against his former girlfriend Oksana Grigoreva. Mickey Rourke was asked by reporters in New York City today when he thought of the whole story he responded “Sh*t happens.” Defending Gibson, Mickey added: “I wouldn’t believe everything you hear … you know […]

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Mel Gibson’s Dirty Mouth Gonna Cost Him Big Time!

Mel Gibson’s mouth has landed him in a whole heap of trouble… Again. The mother of Mel Gibson’s child, Oksana Grigorieva provide a tape of Mel going on a swear filled tirade to a judge today, including him telling her: “You look like a f***ing pig in heat, and if you get raped by a […]

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Mel Gibson’s Baby Mama Drama

Mel Gibson has filed a temporary restraining order against his former fling, Oksana Gregoriva yesterday in an LA court room. Gibson and Gregoriva dated for a year before splitting last April, claiming at the time that the split was amicable. RadarOnline is reporting that in Gibson’s file, it is citing that the case is centered […]

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“Don’t Relocate Our Families For Mel Gibson’s New Movie” Say Relatives of Mexican Prisoners, Except In Spanish

Approximately 300 family members of prison detainees in the Mexican city of Veracruz protested outside of the facility on Tuesday. They don’t want their family members transferred to another prison just to make it easier for Mel Gibson to film his new movie in their current clink. Come on, Mexican prison family members, haven’t you […]

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Gibson and Leo Take Liking to Vikings

The crazy, Jew-hating, religious fanatic, science-rejecting, stupid, bloodbath epic auteur known as Mel Gibson, and the Nazi eugenics laboratory experiment gone oh so right known as Leonardo DiCaprio are teaming up to honor their ancestral forebearers with an epic about Vikings, Variety reports: Mel Gibson will direct and Leonardo DiCaprio will star in an untitled […]

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We May Expunge But We Will Never Forget, Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson is reportedly headed to court next week with his lawyer to ask that his infamous DUI be expunged from his record, following a successful completion of 3 years probation. Gibson’s drunken tour down the PCH lead to his arrest, where he blamed the Jews for all the wars. Ever. He then called a […]

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Mel Gibson. Again

Don’t get your hopes up –Mel Gibson didn’t give us a new round of funny Jew-hating remarks to drop into casual conversation for an easy laugh. He wasn’t even blackout drunk. He just ripped a photog’s shirt. The 53-year-old alcoholic adulterer nightclub-loving disciple of Christ doesn’t like snappers all up in his ish. So when […]

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Eight is Enough for Mel Gibson!

Mel Gibson and model girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva, 39, are expecting a child. It will be the eighth for Gibson and the second for Grigorieva who has one child with Timothy Dalton. Mel recently made the announcement on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, but rumors have been flying about the pair since they appeared together […]

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Hanging DEATH at Mel Gibson’s home!

Construction worker commits suicide at actor’s Agoura Hills’ home! A few days after his latest pseudo “therapy” meeting with Britney Spears, Mr. Mel Gibson himself might also be in need of a little emotional help.  According to TMZ.com, a 48 year old man who had been working as a construction worker in the development of […]

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