
Tag Archives | Michael Lohan

Lindsay Lohan Is In Therapy, Not Rehab

Although Michael Lohan tried to make her go to rehab (and she said no, no, no), Lindsay Lohan is allegedly in therapy. A friend of the troubled hack-tress has revealed that: “She goes two, sometimes three times a week. This is not a program or substance abuse counselor or police officer watching over her; it’s […]

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The Deadbeat Dad Diaries: “Now I’m Going To Start Releasing Everything!”

Michael Lohan will keep his mouth shut. And pigs might fly! The drug-abusing former convict and proud deadbeat dad has finally (count: two hours) responded to Lindsay and Dina‘s accusations that he’s a low-down dirty pathetic excuse for a man. Lies Michael: “They weren’t edited at all. Lindsay’s grasping at straws. I only did this […]

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Lindsay Lohan Sheds Light on Released Recordings

Lindsay Lohan is handling this little tape release drama better than we would have expected, taking to her Twitter page to share some more thoughts again on Thursday. Writes Linds; “Its so sad that I even have to share this w/everyone, but I haven’t had a real relationship w/Michael Sr. in years. That is the […]

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Just Released: The Dina Tapes

Michael Lohan continued his shameless tour of publicity last night with the release of a new tape: The Dina Files. In the recording, Dina explains to Michael that she begged Lindsay not to go to L.A. at age 18 and also that she begged Lindsay to go to rehab, but Lindsay fought back by punching […]

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Quote of the Day

“My father’s such a loser & those recordings are from years ago. To release personal things is foul enough, but to edit them. I used to think that he needed the book for dummies on learning how to be a father. Haha- he’s needs the book for dummies on HOW TO BE A MAN. Thank […]

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Michael Lohan Releases The Lindsay Tapes

Michael Lohan has finally entered a point of no return. The venemous father of Lindsay Lohan released private tapes of his distressed daughter to Radar Online. In the tapes, a clearly upset Lindsay sobs repeatedly that nobody cares for her. In terms of the Lohan drama, it’s a record low. We won’t be surprised if […]

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Michael Lohan Tries To Make Lindsay Go To Rehab (But She Says No, No, No)

Will Michael Lohan ever give up? Despite recent statements from his estranged daughter Lindsay and ex-wife Dina, the money-hungry former child and wife beater (according to Lindsay) is still telling anyone who’ll listen that he will not rest until Lindsay is in rehab. We’ll spare you the full length of Michael’s lies, but here are […]

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Guru Lindsay Is Taking A Spiritual Journey To India, (Not A Drug Run)

As Alanis Morrissette would say: Thank You, India. Role model to young girls everywhere, Lindsay Lohan, is headed East! The spiritual seeking lady showed up on the red carpet at Virgin airlines mogul Richard Branson‘s party, ‘Rock The Casbah.’ In this video, guru Lindsay tells an Extra! reporter that she’s headed to India “before Thanksgiving” […]

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And In This Corner? Housewife NeNe Versus Toxic Deadbeat Dad Michael Lohan!

That wonderfully classy show ‘The Insider‘ hosted a very thought-provoking argument last night. The conversators? That would be Housewife of Atlanta NeNe and deadbeat dad Michael Lohan. (You know, the guy second only to Joe Jackson in whoring out his famous children.) Watch what goes down. Basically, NeNe calls Lohan a “toxic parent” repeatedly, while […]

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Lindsay Tells Dad to Shut it!

Lindsay Lohan has finally spoken up after her dad went on another media blitz this week, telling Maury Povich that she was battling an addiction to prescription pills, and even at one point saying he was going to kidnap her to make her better. Linds tells UsMagazine; “I’m so hurt that someone who calls himself […]

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