
Tag Archives | miley cyrus photos


Miley Says “Big Whoop” to Our Photos.

Somebody, and I wont be naming any names, may have suggested that perhaps Miley Cyrus‘ little weekend jogging peep show was all an elaborate plan to show off for the photographers when we first recieved these photos of Miley and her tighty whitey modeling boyfriend Justin Gaston jogging in the Valley, and next think you […]

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Miley Cyrus Headed Back to DC.

Miley  Cyrus was in DC for the inauguration playing at the kids inauguration ball, and a couple of first kids have requested her return. The sixteen-year-old singer has been invited to the White House, to screen her upcoming Hannah Montana movie for  Sasha and Malia Obama before it hits theaters nationwide this spring. The white […]

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Cyrus Family Outing.

Miley Cyrus and the fam went out to lunch  in the Valley this past weekend.  They even brought along her little twenty-year-old underwear model boyfriend Justin Gaston. They really seem to like this guy.  They take him everywhere! Billy Ray must really think of this “good christian boy” like the son he always wanted.  Wonder […]

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Just One of Those Days?

A totally makeup-less Miley Cyrus slapped on a pair of black tights and brown Uggs as she hit up an Urban Outfitters in the Valley to do a little holiday shopping. Miley was joined by her sister, Brandi, who turns 21 this month. Miley just released her new music video for Fly on the Wall, […]

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Miley Promise: Jesus Loves You.

Miliey Cyrus just couldn’t get out of church mode this Sunday afternoon.  Miley took a bike ride to a Trader Joe’s store in the Valley with her siblings, and she was preaching all along the way. First off, she was proudly sporting her promise ring, ensuring the fact that she will not let the Jonas […]

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Just Bein’ Miley.

Miley Cyrus got away from her busy work schedule where she’s treated like royalty and did what every regular 15 year old has to do to get breakfast on a Saturday morning, Rode her bike. Check out the photos after this.

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How to sell more albums!

One way to make sure your album sells even more than it’s supposed to, is to keep yourself in the news before it comes out.

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