
Tag Archives | New York Magazine

Mark Wahlberg Teaming Up With Justin Bieber For Film

Whether you like it or not, Bieber is coming to the movies! In a new interview with New York Magazine, Mark Wahlberg has revealed that he’s teaming up with Justin Bieber for a new film project. The two first met last year because Mark’s daughter had come down with a case of Bieber fever, and […]

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Mickey Rourke Takes Back Comments About New Film

Mickey Rourke is now trying to make amends with the director of his latest film, ‘Passion Play,’ after he publically branded the movie “not very good.” Rourke was asked by New York Magazine  about the reason the film was only getting a limited release recently to which he made the comments that it wasn’t very […]

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Jessica Simpson Slims Down For New York Magazine

Wow, Jessica Simpson looks like a whole new woman! Jessica Slimson! Check out these photos from the new issue of New York Magazine which showcase a slimmed down Jessica Simpson! Simpson was interviewed by the magazine about her status as a fashion mogul.  Sure, fashion mogul and Jessica Simpson don’t sound like they belong in […]

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