
Tag Archives | paris benji breakup

Benji Madden Can’t Get Over Paris.

Benji Madden is reportedly having the hardest time moving on from his breakup with Paris Hilton. The National Enquirer is reporting that when the couple first broke up, Benji thought Paris would come running back to him, but once he realized she wasn’t going to, he got totally consumed by heartache. The source even claims […]

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Still Communicating.

Even though they are broken up, Paris Hilton and Benji Madden are still talking every day according to Hiltons mom. Kathy Hilton told reporters at her Hope for Life Foundation charity auction in West Hollywood on Monday Night, ” I know they still talk all the time,” and that “they both really care about each […]

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Like a True BFF.

Nicole Richie doesn’t have to win a television show to be Paris Hilton’s BFF, and though you don’t see the two of them out together very often anymore now that Nicole has baby Harlow to take care of, she’s still there to do some BFF shit when needed. Apparently Nicole didn’t take the Paris and […]

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Still In Love With Benji.

Paris Hilton stopped by Kiis FM this morning to chat with Ryan Seacrest about her breakup with Benji Madden. She wanted to clear up all of the rumors that have started going around since the pair split this Monday including claims that Madden had cheated on her on two separate occasions. “You know, I love […]

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Sticking With the Theme of Breakups…

Are Paris Hilton and Benji Madden on the rocks? over? **Update** Star Magazine is reporting that Paris dumped Benji on Monday, the reason being that he was too controlling. Paris has been spotted out partying with her sister and friends the past two nights, something she hadn’t been doing much of while dating the Madden.  […]

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