
Tag Archives | paula abdul news

Major Train Wreck in LA Last Night!

There was a horrible train wreck in Los Angeles last night, and I’m talking about Paula Abdul’s “performance” on American Idol. It’s not the fact that she lip synced, as most performers who include high energy dance routines do the same. It’s the fact that she lip synced to the actual CD track.  Not a […]

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Paula Abdul “Irreplaceable” on Idol, According to Paula Abdul.

Paula Abdul is always the most joked about judge on American Idol, with her nit wit comments, and loopy moments, it’s always been a matter of time until they replaced her for someone with a bit more guts to really tell the contestants how it is. This year, they brought in a fourth judge, Kara […]

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Paula Abdul Says She Never Bad-mouthed Idol.

Paula Abdul was always in the center of American Idol off-season controversy, but on the day of the shows 8th season premiere, Abdul had nothing but kind words for her career saver. In December, following the death of Abdul super-fan Paula Goodspeed outside of the singers Los Angeles home, Abdul told Barbara Walters in an […]

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Paula Abdul Releases New Single.

She always manages to put one out right in time for American Idol. (so that they’ll have to let her perform it and people will have to watch.) For all (5 of) you Paula Abdul fans, she’s just released a new single on her official website called Boombox. Go give it a listen! Oh, and […]

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You Sure You Warned Them, Paula?

Ex American Idol Producer Nigel Lythgoe is firing back at Paula Abdul’s claims that she warned them about Paula Goodspeed before they let her audition for the Fox singing show, claiming that the girl had issues and that she had heard of and from her before. The ex boss says, “You do not take somebody […]

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Abdul Talks About Stalker’s Death.

Paula Abdul will be selling her Studio City home and moving into a gated community after all of the media attention that her home received when crazed fan Paula Goodspeed ended her life there just last month. Since photos were shown of the residence, and the address and street were made available to the public, […]

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Abdul to Move Out After Fan Suicide.

After obsessed Paula Abdul fan, Paula Goodspeed, ended her life in front of the American Idol judges home last month, sources claim that Abdul wants to move out of that Studio City, CA home. Paula reportedly want’s to live inside of a gated community where things like this can be prevented.  Lucky for her she […]

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It’s Paula’s Week!

More headlines this week for Paula Abdul! This time, not so much about obsessed fans. Laborers at the rumor mill are making chatter that Abdul is looking for her way out of American Idol, saying she’s got a secret project up her sleeve, and that this could be her final season on the hit FOX […]

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Body Found Near Home of Paula Abdul.

The body of a woman who is apparently a Paula Abdul superfan was found dead in a car parked outside of Abdul’s home in the Valley on Tuesday night. According to LAPD officer April Harding;, “It looks like an apparent suicide, and the coroner’s office [is] now investigating this matter. The body was found around […]

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Idol is Doing What for Season 8???

American Idol is doing the unthinkable for it’s upcoming season… Adding a 4th Judge to the “sounds just right when you say it” combination of Simon, Paula, and Randy.  In an attempt to even up the genders, Idol will be adding record producer Kara DioGuardi.

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