
Tag Archives | Politics

A Moment Of Silence For Those Lost In Lybia

Remember those we lost on the attacks on the US Embassy in Lybia. Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods. RIP.

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Snoop Dogg Endorsing President Obama

Surprise, surprise.  Rapper Snoop Dogg is throwing his support behind President Obama in the upcoming election. Speaking at a press conference at Canada’s Toronto International Film Festival for his new documentary, ‘Reincarnated,’ Snoop revealed, “Obama for four more years, man. (George W.) Bush f**ked up for eight years, so, I mean, you gotta at least […]

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Nicki Minaj Endorses Mitt Romney On New Mixtape

Could Nicki Minaj be the latest surprise celebrity voting for Mitt Romney this coming November? In a new track on the Lil Wayne mixtape, Minaj raps the lyrics over a Kanye West produced beat; “I’m a Republican voting for Mitt Romney/You lazy [expletive] is [expletive] up the economy,” Minaj or her reps have yet to release […]

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Harold & Kumar Star In New Obama Ad For DNC

Barack Obama is set to deliver his big speech this week on Thursday night at the DNC, and he’s counting on some of his Hollywood buddies to be there. In a new video released by President Obama on YouTube on Monday, the POTUS places a call to Harold and Kumar, insisting he is counting on […]

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Eva Longoria To Speak At Democratic National Convention

Actress Eva Longoria will be on hand in Charlotte, North Caroina next month to address the Democratic National Convention in support of President Barack Obama. Longoria will be gathering support, particularly among Latin American voters and women for the President, as he faces re-election against Mitt Romeny this coming November. The actress was made a […]

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Hugh Hefner Throws His Support Behind Gay Marriage

Playboy founder Hugh Hefner has thrown his support behind gay marriage in the U.S. in a new article written for Politico.com. Hefner insists that the battle to legalize the same sex unions is a fight for human rights, and is urging politicians not to “infringe” on the freedom of citizens of the USA. In the […]

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Hank Williams Jr. Takes Aim At President Obama At Iowa Concert

  It’s an election year, so lots of attacks on President Obama are coming from the right, (and some from the left) one specifically from Hank Williams Jr. The country singer is not new to bashing the President, but comments made on Friday night during a performance in front of 8,000 people at the Iowa […]

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Pamela Anderson Pens Open Letter To Save Baby Elephant

Pamela Anderson has fired off an open letter begging an Indian politician to save an abused elephant which has been chained up at a local temple. Anderson, a long time advocate of animal rights admits she was “in tears” upon hearing the story of Sunder, a baby elephant which has suffered cuts and injuries after […]

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Clint Eastwood Endorsing Mitt Romney For President

Clint Eastwood has given a public endorsement for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney  at a private event in Sun Valley. Eastwood told the crowd at the fundraiser, “Now more than ever do we need Governor Romney. I’m going to be voting for him…” Eastwood also added to the room full of Romney backers that the […]

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Barack Obama Sings ‘Call Me, Maybe?’

Everyone has hopped on the Carly Rae Jepsen bandwagon as of late, even (whether he likes it or not) Barack Obama. Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, and Ashley Tisdale are featured in one of the biggest viral videos of the song, and the Harvard baseball team have done a pretty successful rendition of their own that […]

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