
Tag Archives | Ryan Seacrest

‘Crest’ Has Risen! $1 Million Raised, Celebs Rise From Digital Death

Ryan Seacrest is ALIVE!   So are all the other celebs who participated in the Digital Death campaign for World Aids Day. Ryan Seacrest just Tweeted: I’M ALIVE! We’ve raised $1 million to help KCA fight AIDS! Thank u guys SO MUCH for all u did! Though we gotta say… Something is fishy here! Not that […]

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Ryan Seacrest to Remain “On Air” For Three More Years

Ryan Seacrest has announced a deal that will keep him on the air for three more years. From the official release: Ryan is proud to announce that he is entering a new and expanded three-year partnership agreement under which he will continue in his current role as producer and host of three top-rated radio programs […]

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Jessica Simpson Debuts New Single, Talks Nick Lachey With Ryan Seacrest

Jessica Simpson was on air with Ryan Seacrest today to debut her new Cristmas song, My Only Wish, but you know Ryan went where everyone else wanted to. Nick Lachey’s engagement! Jessica told Seacrest : “I am extremely, extremely happy for him,  I couldn’t be more happy for Nick.” Though there were some rumors that […]

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Ryan Seacrest Not Putting a Ring on it, yet…

Ryan Seacrest has not proposed to his girlfirned, Julianne Hough… yet! Though there were a few rumors speculating that, Entertainment Tonight came out and asked Hough if the rumors were true, to which she responded “Well, that’s news to me, and I think it’s news to him.” We know it’s the nature of the business, […]

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Your First Look at New American Idol Judges Panel

Well here’s what they look like behind the desk.  Stephen Tyler and Jennifer Lopez join Randy Jackson and Ryan Seacrest on the set of American Idol’s new season. What do you think? We gotta wonder… Why do S.Ty and J.Lo not have coke glasses?   Have they not inked a coke deal yet? Just looks strange!

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Seacrest Chats With New Idol Judges… With Sound!

Because we know some of you still care, at least for now… Ryan Seacrest sat down with the new Idol judges on his radio show today. Check it out below. Still interested?

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Ryan Seacrest Announces New Idol Judges…On Mute

Ryan Seacrest just posted this new photo of the new (and old) Idol judges at dinner together. In case you have been living under a rock for the past couple of months, or just such a big Idol fan you were looking forward to Ryan Seacrest’s live announcement this morning, you witnessed an epic Idol […]

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Ryan Seacrest to Announce Idol Judges LIVE at 1pm ET/10am PT

Listen live here to the American Idol judges press conference hosted by Ryan Seacrest. You know who it’s going to be, but if you want to hear it from the horses mouth, listen below here on Starzlife.

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Seacrest to Announce Idol Judges on Wednesday

You already know it’s going to be Jennifer Lopez, Stephen Tyler, and Randy Jackson,  but American Idol will officially name their new judges panel next Wednesday, according to host Ryan Seacrest. Seacrest tweeted: Looks like I have some new plans on wed! I will be able to introduce the @AmericanIdol judges panel! We will send […]

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Ryan Seacrest Inching Towards Confirmation of His New Romance

Ryan Seacreat hasn’t talked about his love life ever pretty much, but today on his radio show he just couldn’t hold it in any longer, and let a little bit ooze out. While his guest, Ellen Degeneres, was talking about how she loves her wife, Portia De Rossi more and more every day, Seacrest responded: […]

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