
Tag Archives | shoes

Halle Berry To Design Shoes

Halle Berry will be the latest actress to cross over into the shoe industry. The Oscar Winning actress will be designing a range of shoes German label Deichmann, who happens to be Europe’s biggest shoe retailer. The collection, to be called 5th Avenue by Halle Berry is set to be launched in the U.K. next […]

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Denise Richards Designing Shoe For ShoeDazzle.com

Denise Richards is adding shoe designer to her resume. Richards will showcase a new design for Kim Kardashian’s shoedazzle.com. Shoe Dazzle is a special styling service offering customers monthly personalized shopping experiences, and Kardashian has recruited the actress to share her love of footwear with fans. Richards recently gushed about the shoe to her Twitter […]

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Kirstie Alley Has Another Rough Day At The Office

Kirstie Alley had another bad night on Dancing With The Stars last night, when she lost a shoe during her performance. To add injury to insult, she injured her hip during practice, so was already a little off going into Monday night’s performance. This is the second week in a row that Alley and partner […]

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