
Tag Archives | spencer heidi wedding


Speidi Wedding Gets a Surprise Guest?

Well she was invited, but rumored to be skipping out on ex bestie Heidi Montag’s wedding to Spencer Pratt this evening in Pasadena, but now its being said that Lauren Conrad will in fact be attending the nuptials. Apparently LC and Heidi are going to share another friend moment complete with hugs and tears. There’s […]

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Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt to end world hunger!

So Spencer and Heidi Will Marry This Weekend…

There’s no way that one of the most fame whore couples in this town thought they would trick the media into thinking their wedding would be taking place last weekend so they could quietly have it next weekend. This is the couple who carries around paparazzi in their back pocket!! I think they’ve realized the […]

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Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt to end world hunger!

Pratts Planning Fake Divorce?

Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag cooked up a wedding on the last season of The Hills, and what better way to  kick off season 5 than planning a divorce story line? Star Magazine is reporting that divorce is the plan for season 5, but that it will obviously be fake and masterminded by Spencer Pratt […]

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Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt to end world hunger!

So They’re Not?

So Speidi hit us with another twist last night on the season finale of The Hills. After weeks of defending their Mexican elopement, and fighting off the criticism of it’s legality by heading to the courthouse for a commitment ceremony that would seal the deal, Spencer chickened out in front of the “judge” and called […]

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Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt to end world hunger!

Another Fake Marriage For Speidi.

On the preview for next weeks season finale of The Hills, Spencer and Heidi head to an LA court house to make their Mexican wedding official. They hold a second ceremony in front of Spencers sister, Stephanie, and an LA county judge. (And of course Hills crew.) As fate would have it, Mr. and Mrs. […]

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Spencer: Heidi’s Mom Actin’ Crazy!

Spencer Pratt joined Ryan Searcrest on the radio to chat about Heidi’s mom’s allegations to Us Weekly that he drugged her prior to talking her into marrying him in Cabo on November 20th. Spencer told Ryan that she was probably just acting out because she was hurt by the fact she wasn’t at her daughters […]

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Hills Cast Reactions to the Speidi Nuptuals.

You have to wonder if the rest of the Hills cast members read about Spencer and Heidi’s wedding on Perez Hilton for the first time this morning like the rest of this did.  Now they are speaking out about the new Mr. and Mrs. Pratt. Spencer’s sister, Stephanie Pratt tells inTouch,  “I am not surprised! […]

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