
Tag Archives | Steve Jones

Khloe Kardashian & Mario Lopez To Host ‘X-Factor?’

The Khloe Kardashian ‘X-Factor’ rumors seemed to have calmed down over the past couple of weeks, but according to a new report, it appears she will actually be taking the job! However, it may be a co-hosting gig, as the new source from CNN claims that Mario Lopez will be joining her on the X-Factor […]

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Megan Fox Storms Out Of Interview After Baby Question

Megan Fox is reportedly pregnant, and not ready to talk about it. Fox sat down with Steve Jones, the former host of The X Factor for a segment on Entertainment Tonight when he abandoned the guidelines and asked the million dollar question. Jones was asking Fox about her new gig as the spokes person for […]

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Simon Cowell Looking to Shake Up X-Factor Season 2 – Letting Go Of Steve Jones, Nicole Scherzinger… And Paula Abdul?

Changes are coming to ‘The X Factor.’ It was revealed on Monday that (a-hole) judge Steve Jones would not be returning for the second season of the music singing competition show, which brought a great relief to viewers who couldn’t stand every time he opened his mouth to hurry the judges along, or his lack […]

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