Apparently Tila Tequila’s vandal stalker reads her Twitter account, and upon reading of their little Easter Sunday tirade, got pretty heated and sent the MTV reality star some threatening text messages last night. Naturally, Tila sent that out to her fans too. In the update she writes ; “Update on assault! Ok so i am […]
Tag Archives | tila tequila news

Tila Tequila Blasts Octo-Mom.
I don’t write much about the Octo-mom, because I think it’s sick and she should have all 14 of her kids taken away rather than cashing in on freebies, but Tila Tequila just updated her blog with a rant about the Octo-puss and I couldn’t agree more with her!! Here’s wha Tila had to say, […]

Saint Tila Talks Adoption, Oh Brother!
If there are two things that don’t go together in this world, It’d probably be Tila Tequila and raising children. At a recent book signing in New York City, Tila told Us Magazine that she’d like to adopt a boy. The bisexual shot at love star said, “Sometimes I think, like, let’s just run away […]

Tila Tequila Takes a Shot at a Bromance.
If I was getting dumped by both boys and girls I’d be confused too, but Tila Tequila may have finally made up her mind after a little weekend experiment with Hills boy Brody Jenner. Tila was partying at the DKNY Jeans house in Malibu this past weekend when Jenner cut to the chase and asked […]

Tila Tequila Has a Book?
Apparently between doing whatever she does besides uploading things to her Myspace, Tila Tequila had time to write a book! In her latest blog entry on her Myspace page, Tila lets all her ‘friends’ know they can pre-order the book know. Check out what TT has to say after this.

No More Shots, Thank You.
She’s trading in all of the cheap gas station Tequila from her reality show and settling for Patron! Tila Tequila has found herself a new love and will not be returning to MTV for a 3rd season of her hit reality dating show.

Perez Takes a Shot at Love.
\ Usually when you take a shot of Tequila, you lick the salt, then take the shot, then bite the lime. When you’re Perez Hilton, and the Tequila is named Tila, you just lick the whole thing.