Charlie Sheen’s first single, ‘Winning’ with Snoop Dogg and Rob Patterson has hit iTunes today, and while it probably won’t make it’s way to the top of your iTunes play list, it’s for a good cause! Proceeds from the sales of the song will go to help the Tornado victims in Alabama. The song it […]
Tag Archives | Winning

Charlie Sheen Takes the Stage in Detroit
Charlie Sheen has taken the stage in Detroit for his ‘Violent Torpedoes of Truth Tour,’ and this is the first image of Sheen on the stage. USATODAYLifelineLive is live tweeting the show on twitter and you can follow them here. Can’t wait to hear the reviews!

Charlie Sheen Adds Tour Dates, Models Merchendise
Charlie Sheen just uploaded a couple of photos to his Twitter page which include him and his goddesses sporting some of his new Sheen-ism inspired gear that’s for sale on his official website. Tigerblood, Bi-winning, and Duh, Winning, are all the subjects of the shirts that Charlie will be selling online and on his ‘Violent […]

Winning Recipes With Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen hosted his last episode of ‘Sheen’s Korner’ on UStream on Tuesday night, but has since made an appearance on FunnyOrDie for ‘Winning Recipes With Charlie Sheen’ What you can expect is the same Sheen hilariousness that you’ve been enjoying for a week now. Find out just exactly how to make a “tomato winning […]

Charlie Sheen Passes One Million Twitter Followers in 24 Hours
Charlie Sheen may have just become the fastest person to achieve 1,000,000 Twitter followers in just 24 hours. The actor, who’s Twitter account went live yesterday reached almost 200,000 before posting his first Tweet, but once he started there was no stopping him. The tweets, which brought the same laughs as his TV interviews were […]